What are good study habits?

Posted in News & Press  ·  July 5th 2016

📚 Supporting Effective Study Habits: Strategies for Academic Success

Empower UK students with proven study techniques inspired by Arizona State University’s insightful article on cultivating academic excellence.

🔍 Understanding Study Habits: Achieving academic brilliance is within reach with a well-crafted study plan and proactive engagement. Regular discussions with your student about their academic journey coupled with support and valuable insights can pave the way for success.

Some great ideas here, particularly for Sixth Form students!

📝 Best Student Tips for Achieving Academic Excellence:

  1. Organise Assignments Efficiently: Encourage the use of digital or paper calendars to stay on top of assignments. Whether it’s smartphone apps, pocket planners, or tools like Evernote, effective organisation is key to managing tasks and meeting deadlines.
  2. Avoid Procrastination: Guide your student to tackle assignments promptly and avoid procrastination. Early planning and task breakdowns alleviate stress and provide ample preparation time.
  3. Active Note-taking in Class: Emphasise the importance of active engagement during lectures through effective note-taking. Experimenting with different methods helps students find their preferred style, be it digital or traditional.
  4. Create a Productive Study Space: Establish a dedicated study area conducive to concentration and focus. Providing a distraction-free environment enhances productivity and learning efficiency.
  5. Prioritise Study Time Wisely: Assist your student in prioritizing study sessions based on subject difficulty. Consistent study habits and avoiding last-minute cramming promote better retention and understanding.
  6. Balance Class Schedule: Advise students to maintain a balanced course load to prevent academic overload. Striking a balance between challenging and manageable subjects fosters academic growth.
  7. Utilise Free Tutoring Services: Encourage students to utilise free tutoring resources to reinforce understanding and address academic challenges effectively.
  8. Engage with Instructors: Promote regular interaction with professors by attending office hours. Seeking clarification on course material demonstrates commitment to academic excellence.
  9. Prioritise Health and Well-being: Highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise. Physical well-being enhances cognitive function and academic performance.
  10. Stay Focused on Goals: Remind students to remain steadfast in pursuing their academic aspirations. Encourage resilience and determination while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

For more valuable insights, refer to the original article by Arizona State University.

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