What are the 5 study skills?

Posted in SSZ Briefings  ·  July 5th 2016

We love these articles… Everyday is a school day!

This is a summary of an article we found on the University of the People. (www.uopeople.edu)

Below is our summary of the article and right at the bottom is the link to the article.

📚 Mastering College Study Skills: 5 Effective Techniques

Unlock your potential for academic success with these essential study skills tailored for college students:

#StudySkills, #CollegeSuccess, #EffectiveLearning

  1. Ask Why: Embrace your innate curiosity by continuously asking “why” during study sessions. Known as elaborative interrogation, this technique helps you grasp concepts by connecting them to existing knowledge, enhancing memory retention.
  2. Optimise Note-Taking: Kickstart your learning journey by mastering the art of note-taking. Whether online or in class, actively listen and organise your notes, incorporating personalized formats like color-coding or highlighting to aid recall. Rewriting notes can serve as a study method itself, reinforcing learning through repetition.
  3. Take Breaks: Maintain study stamina by spacing out learning sessions and taking regular breaks. Avoid procrastination to distribute learning effectively, preventing cognitive overload. As momentum builds, longer study periods become manageable, with breaks serving as crucial recharge intervals.
  4. Practice Testing: Evaluate your understanding of course materials through active practice testing. Engaging in memory retrieval enhances information retention, allowing for quicker recall over time. Access practice tests provided by professors or seek online resources to reinforce learning.
  5. Self-Explanation: Enhance comprehension while reading by practicing self-explanation. Pause periodically to articulate concepts in your own words, ensuring active engagement with the material. Identify gaps in understanding and revisit challenging sections to solidify comprehension.

🔄 Know the Study Cycle: Adopt the Study Cycle, a comprehensive guide for effective studying, encompassing stages from previewing material to self-evaluation. By previewing, attending, reviewing, studying, and checking your understanding, you’ll overcome weak points and excel in your exams.

💡 Final Thoughts: By incorporating these five study skills into your academic routine, you’ll develop a robust foundation for learning. Regular practice will refine these techniques, empowering you to master your chosen major and achieve academic excellence.

For the full article, click here to visit University of the People.

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