Year 10 Drive for Results, Y11 - 5 Steps to Exam Success, Parent Power Twilight
The 'Whole School' approach to Growth Mindset and Study Skills
Y10 and 11 both take part in the 5 Steps To Exam Success
Y12 & 13 The Next Level - Independent Learning Skills
Year 10 Drive for Results, Y11 - 5 Steps to Exam Success
The main aim was to help pupils understand that a growth or positive mindset (the ‘I can’ approach) can help their brains function and develop more efficiently. The pupils were also given strategies to help with their learning, along with demonstrations of how they could work.
The feedback from the students and staff was ‘outstanding’ and the success can be judged from the fact that the School has booked the same again for next year.
The experience of working with Study Skills Zone had been so successful that St Mary’s has now decided to run a full week of study skills programmes for every year group from Year 7 to Year 13.
Each year group participated in a personalised session to promote lifelong study techniques, which will help them to fulfil their academic potential.