The Blog

The latest news, comments and articles from Study Skills Zone.

Why Teachers are so Clever

SSZ Briefings · 24th February 2018

We all know that to teach something well, we need to learn it properly first. If we then teach it to somebody else, we end up learning it really well ourselves.

Secret of Finnish Success

SSZ Briefings · 21st February 2018

We were intrigued to read recently in the Times Educational Supplement about the comments of Pasi Sahlberg, a leading education campaigner and government official in Finland.

Parental Engagement

SSZ Briefings · 19th February 2018

Here at Study Skills Zone, we spend a lot of time figuring out how best to help students learn and remember things in maths – and in other subjects.

Reflection is what makes learning stick

SSZ Briefings · 4th February 2018

Research shows that reflecting after learning something new makes it stick in your brain. Even taking just fifteen minutes to reflect on what was learned during the day could significantly affect how well students retain the information.